Shopping at Louis Vuitton

- Oh, hello! Welcome to Louis Vuitton!
- Hello, thank you!
- Do you need something or do you just watch?
- First I watch and then I maybe buy something. I have lot of money so I can buy almost anything.
- Great! Tell me if you need something.

- Wow, this is really trendy, I love it!
- I love it too, it's made of real leather. Do you want it?
- Well, I think I want it because it's trendy and brand bag.
- It's in bargain, 50 per cent off.
- Cool! I buy it right now!
- Great! Do you want some other things?
- Yes, please. That sweatshirt looks amazing! What does this cost?
- Mmm... I check the price, wait a second. It's 100 000 pounds.
- That's really cheap! I try it on!
- Okay, what size?
- S, please.
- Okay, here you are!
- Thanks! Where are the fitting rooms?
- Up on the right.
- Thanks!

- Is it good?
- Yes, I love it, I take it!
- Good, let's go to the cash! That would be 150 000 pounds, cash or card?
- By card.
- Okay! You can get the card off now. Here are your shopping!
- Bye, see you soon and have a nice day!
- Bye, have a nice day!

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