Loch Ness monster

It was a quiet Monday at 10AM. Some adult woman was in Scotland beach. She didn't know about Loch Ness monster. She had heard about Loch Ness monster, but she didn't believe in that. She was an idiot, of course Loch Ness monster is a real thing! On that day she dies. I know you want hear about that, am I right?

She ate she's bread and drank she's juice. She was very happy. She sang happy and positive songs. Then she heard really strange noise. She didn't know which can make that noise. But she knows it's not normal noise, it's monsters noise. Then she saw big head and a big body, dark body.
"Is that Loch Ness?", she asked herself.
She knows the answer: it was a Loch Ness monster. A big dark creature walked closer to her. Then she heard really loud noise. She looked up and saw a big mouth which was coming closer. Then she was died.

A story about little girl

One little girl in a big town. That's possible, but not in stories. This story an exception. The girl was in town in wrong time. She didn't know that. Do you want hear about that girl? Yes or no, anyway I start now.

She walked on main street. She looked at shops windows and dreamed of a better life. She went to the shop, clothing shop. She tried on beautiful clothes and bought one t-shirt. She loved that shirt. Then she went on her way. She walked normally on the main street and jumped over a cardboard box. She didn't see a car, red car. Man who was wearing black become out the red car. He kidnapped the girl.
"Hahahah, I will kill you!" he screamed.
The girl struggled and screamed:
But nobody helps. She was alone with strange man. The man put the girl in the red car and drove away.
   She didn't know where she were. She saw just black, black and black, nothing else. She heard quiet speaking. She heard knife slashing sounds. She was afraid the knife. She didn't know that she'll die soon. The man, who was wearing black comes with the knife. Then he killed the girl. Blood, red blood was everywhere. The girl is a ghost now.